Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Wayback Wednesday: Back To The Future Delorean In My Hometown
A few years ago in Philadelphia there was an arts festival and me and my brother had a great time. We took great pictures but the greatest were pictures of one of the three Deloreans used in the Back To The Future Trilogy. With it being Back To The Future Day I thought it was a great time to post this. I remember it like it was yesterday, me and my brother walked up and stood in awe and I knew it was something I wouldn't forget, please enjoy the pics below & Have A Nice Day!
Happy Back To The Future Day!
In the movie Back To The Future 2 The Doc, Marty & Jennifer traveled to the year 2015 on October 21, 2015 at 4:29 P.M., which is today. Fans of the movie are declaring it Back To The Future Day. Here at J&J Toys we're celebrating this special day by showing off some Hot wheels Back To The Future Deloreans. Please enjoy the pictures below.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015
WWE Stackdown Series 4 Checklist
Here is a checklist of the WWE Stackdown Series 4 Sets. You can click on it to view it better. I hope this helps anyone that collects WWE Stackdown keep a track of the series 4 sets. In the mean time check out my reviews of WWE Stackdown Sets by searching WWE Stackdown in the search bar at the top of the site.
Saturday, September 26, 2015
My 1st Mattel WWE Figure Fail
I recently bought the WWE Battle Pack 33 Andre The Giant & Big Show. I have purchased a lot of Mattel WWE figures since I started collecting way back in 2010. But now to the point of this, with the Big Show figure in this pack I got my 1st Mattel WWE figure fail. Use the photo on the left to compare. But if you can't see it in the photos below a part of the decal on the right side of big show's singlet was not applied and is a fail.
Friday, August 28, 2015
Toys R Us Loaded Up With Basic WWE Figures!!!
I went on a WWE figure hunt Tuesday and to my surprise the WWE section at my local Toys R Us was no where to be found and just a little section in the front with barely nothing. So I left there disappointed. But I went back Wednesday night and I was shocked when the small section of WWE in the front of the store and the WWE section in a new aisle was loaded with a bunch of the new basic WWE figures. In the front I was shocked when I found WWE Series 52 Nikki Bella and then shocked again when the new aisle had WWE Series 51 Stephanie McMahon. Pictures of the two figures I bought are below. Stay tuned to J&J Toys for WWE, Hot wheels & Matchbox store findings and reviews.
Saturday, August 8, 2015
WWE Stackdown Royal Rumble Collector Set At Toys R Us!!!
J&J Toys brings you some new wwe figure news! There is a NEW WWE Stackdown pack available at Toys R Us! The new pack is the Royal Rumble Collector Set which includes 11 figures and costs $34.99. This pack includes 11 brand new WWE Stackdown figures. The 11 new figures are Roman Reigns, Rusev, Daniel Bryan, Dean Ambrose, Dolph Ziggler,The Boogeyman, Stardust, Kane, R-Truth, Cesaro & Bray Wyatt. Check out the pictures below & Have A Nice Day!
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
31 Inch Hulk Hogan Available At Kmart!!!
I went to my local Kmart yesterday to see if they had anything new on the shelves. To my surprise they had the brand new 31 Inch Hulk Hogan Figure from Wicked Cool Toys. This a gigantic figure of Hulk Hogan and in the pictures below you can compare him to a defining moments 6 inch figure from Mattel. Enjoy the pictures below & Have A Nice Day!
Saturday, July 25, 2015
New WWE Toy Belts Are At Toys R Us!!!
My local Toys R Us has been getting a lot of new WWE merchandise through the month of July. Their newest items in stock are the New WWE Toy Belts. There are 3 Available from $19.99 which Are The WWE World Heavyweight Championship, The United States Championship & The Tag Team Championships. Enjoy The pics of the belts below & Have A Nice Day!
New WrestleMania Edition Authentic Scale Ring At Toys R Us!!!
I Went to my local Toys R Us today and was shocked when an employee put the new WWE WrestleMania 31 Edition Authentic Scale Ring By Wicked Cool Toys on the shelf. This gigantic ring costs $79.99 and includes 45 pieces to put together a WrestleMania 31 Ring for your WWE Mattel wrestling figures. Enjoy the pictures below & Have A Nice Day!
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
WWE Supercard Glitches
I enjoy playing WWE Supercard on my Laptop. In case you don't know what WWE Supercard is, I will tell you. It is a card battling game that features WWE Superstars, Legends & Divas. Here is a link to download the game and get better details about it. I was recently playing it though it had some glitches that I thought were interesting. The first glitch is the picture on the Kane card did not appear and was blank. The second glitch is the the event timer is still ticking down but it says the event ended. They are in the pictures below. Thanks for reading and Have A Nice Day!
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Awesome Wrestling Gifs
Hello, I'm posting something a little different today. This is a strip of gifs I made, to use as my signature on wfigs Forums. It is a great site to talk about wrestling figures and various topics. My name is MiniFigChamp28 if you want to follow me on there.You can use it where you want but please give J&J Toys credit. Thanks for reading and enjoy the gifs.
Friday, May 8, 2015
How To Make A Custom WWE Stackdown World Heavyweight Championship
Hey, Do you have WWE Stackdown figures but not a World Heavyweight Championship for them to compete for.Well now you can! Because a great person on named Branded Outlaw aka Outlaw Customs kindly made the World Heavyweight Championship for me. He did a fantastic job creating the belt and gave me an idea how to use it for WWE Stackdown figures. I resized the belt and now you can print it out and relive or create you own matches for the World Heavyweight Championship. To make it for your WWE Stackdown figures take an extra WWE title piece and using the printout cutout the center plate and paste it on to the piece. I hope you enjoy this belt and check out his other belts at If you want belts from him made for your WWE Stackdown figures leave a comment below and I will gladly have Outlaw Customs make them for you.
Monday, May 4, 2015
Hotwheels Star Wars Cars Walmart Exclusives
May the 4th be with you & Happy Star Wars Day. This is our 1st post about Hot wheels here at J&J toys and it begins with a BANG. From a Galaxy Far Far Away comes the Walmart Exclusive set of Star Wars Cars that honors Star Wars movies and animated series. There are 8 cars available in the set and they were released earlier this year. Each car has its name and the movie it represents below it. Enjoy the pictures and stay tuned to J&J Toys for more Hot Wheels posts coming this week.
Monday, April 13, 2015
WWE Defining Moments Sting Available for preorder
I was online and found that the WWE Defining Moments Sting figure made by Mattel is available for pre-order on Here is a picture of the site with the option to pre-order the figure. You can click on the link to view and pre-order the figure. Thanks for reading and enjoy your day.
Sunday, April 5, 2015
WWE Stackdown Sets/Figures Cancelled Or Awaiting Release
Here is a collage of pictures I made of WWE Stackdown sets & figures that are cancelled or awaiting release. The pictures are from the 2014 Dallas Toy fair. Click on the photo to view it larger.
WWE Stackdown Sets Expected In 2015 Checklist
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
WWE Stackdown Superstar Packs Sheamus Review
Happy St Patrick's Day! This post is about the WWE Stackdown Superstar Packs Sheamus. This set includes 23 pieces, color instructions, a sticker sheet, and a Sheamus figure. When you build this set you will have a breakable table with removable tv monitors and microphones plus a Sheamus figure. These superstar packs are available at Toys R Us and cost $6.00 each. On the back of the box it says there is an Alberto Del Rio set available but it was dropped from production and not available. There are two other superstar packs available which are Big E and Dolph Ziggler. Thanks for reading & Have A Nice Day!
Saturday, March 14, 2015
WWE Stackdown Damien Sandow's School Of Hard Knocks Review
This post is about the WWE Stackdown Damien Sandow's School Of Hard Knocks Playset made by C3 Construction and the Bridge Direct. This set includes 71 pieces, color instructions, a Damien Sandow figure with a removable coat and switchable arms. When complete this set has a spinning chair and board, a table plus opening and closing drawers, a textbook, a microphone and a pointer. This set is easy to build and a great way to start or add to our WWE Stackdown Collection.
WWE Stackdown High Flyin Sin Cara Review
This post is about the WWE Stackdown High Flying Sin Cara Playset made by C3 Construction and The Bridge Direct.This playset includes 73 pieces, color instructions and a Sin Cara figure with a removable coat. The playset is easy to build and when complete you will have a launcher and a ring to send Sin Cara or any other Stackdown Figure through.
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