Sunday, March 6, 2016

Matchbox A Case Highlights

Matchbox has started the 2016 year off great with some unique new models and recolors to previously created models. The first new model is the Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk in red and blue. Another new model is the 15 Jaguar F-Type Coupe in black. There are fantastic recolors of the Alfa Romeo 4C and the 14 Chevy Silverado 1500. The other featured model is found on the tracks and not on the road, it is Heavy Railer. The other models that are also included in the 2016 A case are the new model Malibu Marauder, 66 Dodge A100, Toyota Tacoma, Toyota Land Cruiser, Blaze Blaster, Express Delivery, Power Lift, Attack Time, Pit King, S.W.A.T Truck, Garbage Gulper, Rumble Raider, MBX S.C.P.R.X., Flame Smasher, Hummer w/ Ramp, Gator Raider.